29.06.2016 Now you can find UPOFLOOR Xpression / Zero in the product database on www.greenbuildingproducts.eu. The listed product does contribute to fulfill credits in the LEED and DGNB system. With this UPOFLOOR supports his clients for a successful LEED and DGNB certification of buildings. Furthermore UPOFLOOR provides the related product information to the proven sustainability criteria in a transparent way. Therefore you can find standardised product declarations according to the LEED and DGNB criteria for download on www.greenbuildingproducts.eu. This makes the investigation and documentation more efficient for planners, architects and construction companies.
As of now for the following product LEED and DGNB declarations are available for download:
- Upofloor Xpression / Zero
The products meet the following criteria in the LEED and DGNB system:
LEED v3:
- The product fulfills the FloorScore Standard for low-emitting flooring systems and contribute to achieve one LEED credit within IEQ Credit 4.3 ‘Low Emitting Materials – Flooring Systems’.
DGNB 2012/2015:
- The product meets the requirements of action level 1 to 4. The product contributes to achieve up to 10 (max. 10) criterion points within Criterion ENV1.2 ‘Risks for the regional environment’.
You can find further information about the products on www.upofloor.com.
You can download all required proofs in the product database on greenbuildingproducts.eu