03.05.2016 Environmental product declarations type III (EPD according to ISO 14025, DIN EN 15804) are the basis for building LCA according to DIN EN 15978. EPD’s and can be used in the DGNB and LEED system. This can lead to additional points and thus affect the overall result positively.
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What’s an EPD?
An EPD is an Environmental Product Declaration. These consist of a detailed product description and the LCA values of different impact categories such as Non- Renewable Primary Energy (PE ne [MJ]), Renewable Primary Energy (PE ren. [MJ]), Global Warming Potential (GWP [kg CO2 eq.), Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP [kg CFC11 eq.]), Photochemical Ozone Creation Potential / Summer Smog (POCP [kg C2H4 eq.]), Acidification Potential (AP [kg SO2 eq.]), Eutrophication Potential (EP [kg PO4 eq.]), etc..
There are differences between:
- Product-specific environmental product declarations (EPD according to ISO 14044)
- Industry-wide (generic) environmental product declarations type III (EPD according to ISO 14025, DIN EN 15804)
- Product-specific environmental product declarations type III (EPD according to ISO 14025, DIN EN 15804)
Basis for building life cycle assessment according to DIN EN 15978 are environmental product declarations type III.
Points for Environmental Product Declarations in DGNB and LEED system
EPD’s find application in the DGNB system in the criteria ENV1.1 “LCA – emission-related environmental effects” and ENV2.1 “LCA – resource consumption”. In it you have to calculate the emissions which are caused by a building, according to DIN EN 15978 across the whole lifecycle. Basis for the calculations by DGNB NBV 15 are the records of the current Ökobau.dat. Product-specific environmental product declarations (EPD) in accordance with DIN EN 15804 and 14025 are preferable to general generic LCA data sets. Products which perform better in terms of LCA results (in an EPD) than the record from the OEKOBAUDAT affect the results in this criterion.
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